Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hi! Just a quick update...Gavin is almost 8 months old!! He is saying "dadadada", "babababa", "blablabla", "nananana", and "tetetete". He screams "mamamama" only when he is crying in his crib. Go figure. He's not crawling yet but trying really hard. I took Gavin swimming at an indoor pool on Wednesday and he LOVED it! He is a little fish! He kicked his feet and slapped the water and squealed! I wish I would have brought my camera. More updates later.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick Hubby

So much for my new year's resolution for updating this more often... I do have somewhat of an excuse. Jason has strep throat and Gavin is teething AND not sleeping. Poor baby (Gavin) tries so hard to play and have fun and I can tell that his little gums are bothering him so much! He usually will not chew on his hard toys but latley he has been chomping them as hard as he can. He is closer and closer to crawling every day. He pushes his little rump up in the air and attemps to thrust himself forward...but his big head keeps him in the same spot. And I just laugh...
I've also been without internet for a week. Man, I feel out of touch! I'll keep this short and sweet and post a few pics of Gavin. That's what most people would rather see:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We're home...yay!

Happy New Year! I'm a horrible blogger... Sorry. I'm sad that Christmas is over! We had so much fun in Opelika and Cullman. But boy, were we ready to get back home. Nine days is a long time away from home with a baby. Before we drove back to Alabama, Gavin was sleeping 12 hours at night! It was wonderful. Now he's waking up again every 3 or 4 hours. Ugh. It will take him 3 or 4 weeks to get back to normal.
I'm really glad to be back in Jacksonville. But I miss my family already. Gavin did pretty well around everybody considering he is usually just with me all the time. We are going to try out My Gym next week so he can see what it's like to be around other babies. My Gym has baby fitness classes. The only problem is it is right in the middle of his morning nap time. Hopefully he can adjust and enjoy himself!

Gavin playing with Pop.

Gavin playing with his other Granddad.

Emma and Gavin playing together...sort of.

Allison, Sarah, Lindsey, Laura, me and Amy

Playing in his new jumper. He loves it!

This face is hilarious!He's not quite sure about opening gifts.
Maybe I should put "being a better" blogger on my New Year's Resolution list. I'll try :)